Sometimes you just want to hit all aspects of your workout with an all body sweat. This easy to do, at home workout will have you feeling stronger and more rejuvenated in no time! No weights are required, but if you have a mat to place on your floor it is best to use it. Go through this workout twice if you are feeling up to it, otherwise one time should suffice! Start nice and slow so you do not injure yourself!
- Build More Muscle
- Increase Overall Strength
- Burn More Calories in Less Amount of Time
- Maximize Workout Efficiency
- More Time in Your Schedule
- Yoga Mat (Recommended for comfort)
The All Body Workout Exercises
Jumping Jacks
Get into a nice rhythm here and make sure your hands are going all the way over your head. Have a nice and wide base to work with and a steady spring in your step.
Beginner: 50 reps
Moderate: 60 reps
Advanced: 75 reps
Plank Hold
Your body should look like it is in the form of a wooden plank. Have your hands or elbows under you and make sure your back stays flat. Squeeze with your abdominal muscles and hold for a count.
Beginner: 30 second hold
Moderate: 45 second hold
Advanced: 1minute hold
Russian Twists
If you are not familiar with this exercise, the key to good form is to twist with your abs not your shoulders. Sitting on your buttocks with your legs slight bent and elevated off of the floor you will place your hands into one fist and twist to each side of your hips. Left and right. Left and Right is one rep. You can add weight or just do this as a body weight exercise.
Beginner: 25 reps
Moderate: 35 reps
Advanced: 50 reps
Calf Raises
This is a stagnant exercise but gets your calves burning. Little to no movement is required here, but make sure you are on balance so you do not fall over. Stand tall and raise up on your tippy toes and then go back down to your heels. Continue to rise up and fall down with control.
Beginner: 25 reps
Moderate: 35 reps
Advanced: 50 reps
You can lunge in place or you can do a walking lunge, they will be working the same muscles. The key with this exercise is to get deep and to make sure you are feeling a burn in your quadriceps. Alternate left and right legs for optimal results and recovery during the workout, with left and right being 1 rep.
Beginner: 15 reps
Moderate: 25 reps
Advanced: 35 reps
Wall Push-Ups
All push-ups are exactly what they sound like, and you will not be putting a ton of pressure on your wrists like with normal push-ups. Stand somewhat close to the wall with your hands about shoulder width on the wall. Push your body away from the wall, and for a more difficult exercise you will want to step away from the wall.
Beginner: 15 reps
Moderate: 25 reps
Advanced: 35 reps
Last but not least, we will end with crunches. These are a basic abdominal exercise that primarily works the upper abs. Lay on your back, and make sure your shoulder blades are coming completely off of the ground.
Beginner: 25 reps
Moderate: 35 reps
Advanced: 50 reps
Always end with a little stretching so that you keep your muscles from injury!